Interactive storytelling

Dear and beloved readers!

I am attending three courses right now and trying to deal with a lot of stuff regarding my own life and the future of it, that is the main reason why it was a long time since I posted anything here. And also because I have been writing some posts for instead and reporting the ongoing development over there. So there is a lot of planning in all directions. 😉

So something’s are changing right now, I am trying to learn how to write narratives, not being a book reader is something that doesn’t help me at all (I will need to start reading books of course).  So let’s get this thing started;


In the course named interactive storytelling we have an assignment to deliver. The thing is to write a branching story with dialogs where the user will experience different outcomes based on the choices made.

My first plan was to portray the life of a poor boy in the streets of Iraq, the goal for this kid was to gather money to feed his family, so the reader would have to figure out the best way to earn money by haggling. I realized that the scope was going be too big for this assignment so I had to figure out another way to execute this Idea. After a some thinking I had a better idea!

I realized that I could use the journey of current day refugees trying to get from turkey to a safer place, with this idea I would be able to shed light over the current situation and maybe induce some kind of compassion towards what the refugees would have to go through.

So this is the story of Hamodi, a young boy that tries to make his way through different countries to get to Sweden. The way there will vary, depending on which way you choose for him.

I have been using real life sources from people that made it to Sweden, BUT, none of their names are used here and the story is of course  not a true story but a collection of stories. Anyways,  try it out and if you have some time over please leave some feedback in the comment section below so that I may learn something. The story will maybe continue if enough people would like to see it finished but for now I hope you like this one.


Download the story here: The story of Hamodi 

OBS: The software used for this story is called Twine, Check it out! Its pretty easy to use.